Relationships; Reset, Reignite or Revisit with Tina Laws

Tina Laws is a relationship specialist with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Master of Science in Criminal Justice. Amongst her certifications, Tina is a certified Relationship coach, domestic violence facilitator, and advocate. She has spent the last 14 years focused solely on advocating on behalf of empowering women around building healthier relationships and lifestyles. She is passionate about helping ambitious women to RESET and own their position in their relationship. 

Tina, also the Founder of Under Konstruction Bermuda, is happily married to Shawn and is honored to be called mama by her two adult children, and nana, by her handsome grandson. Today we talk with Tina all about the twists and turns in relationships and how you might be able to better navigate sharing life with a long-term partner. 

Relationships are a lot of work, and the primary key to long term success is both partners wanting the same thing. As long as the love is still there, and both are willing to put in that hard work, coupled with respect, communication, and compromise, anything is possible. Here are the top five points that I took away from our conversation today with Tina. 

  1. Strong women know their worth and have set boundaries for themselves. It need not be intimidating if both partners recognize that relationships are partnerships, not competitions. Of course, as a powerful woman in business, you must learn to not take board room behaviors home to the bedroom. But if both partners are pursuing their dreams and following their passions, there is less room for competition and intimidation, and more room for mutual support and respect.
  2. As a demure woman, finding your voice in a relationship is vital for your happiness, and may start simply as just saying no to something. Practice with a friend and start somewhere. It need not be an argument, but it is important to speak your truth without fear of what will ensue. 
  3. Submission doesn’t mean weakness; it means that you honor and trust your significant other. This of course should be a reciprocal behavior. It is healthy to have a vulnerability in your relationship that allows you to be totally yourself. 
  4. Don’t rely solely on your partner to bring you happiness. Happiness begins within. Learn who you are and what you love. Don’t make excuses for who you are and don’t be afraid to own your truth. Build up your confidence for yourself so that you are not needy and reliant on your partner to consistently build your confidence for you. Decide what you truly want for you and pursue it. If you don’t have dreams, do yourself a huge favor and find some. 
  5. You may find over time that you outgrow some relationships and that is perfectly fine. It is a testament that people grow at different rates and sometimes in different directions. When you become mature in love, you learn to compromise. But also, when you become mature in your truth, you know when there is ‘good’ in goodbye. 

Through challenging times, lean back on the basics. Do you still want the same things? Are you both fighting to make it work? Is the love still there? What about compromise, respect, and communication? 
Above all things, know yourself, love yourself first, stay positive, and know that there is always fulfillment in pursuing your purpose. 

Email: [email protected]
Instagram: @tinatlaws
Facebook: Tina Laws Relationship Specialist
Phone: (441) 538-8857

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