The Phoenix - Scorched and Burned

Season Two of Positively Purposed is taking a page out of the book of the Phoenix. While some have thrived over the last year that was 2020, there was undoubtedly a ton of negative effects that still had a strong impact on the life of many, causing challenges that we were not accustomed to dealing with. We are diving deep into the rebound, fueling the bounce back, triggering the recovery and supporting all things that are positively pushing us towards our happiness, passions and purpose.  

I recognize that 2020 was filled with death and adversity for many people. For me personally I felt lows that I have never felt before in my life, and quite frankly I didn’t think that was even possible. There were times I struggled with confidence, fear, loneliness, self-worth, lack of faith, anxiety, inconsistencies; the list goes on. There were so many things going on in both my personal and professional life that to say it has been a crossroad or transition phase is truly a gross understatement. I can’t even say with certainty that 2021 has brought all of this to a close, but I certainly have a new perspective that has me in a positive mindset. And that is always where I strive to be.  

I want to begin this Season Two by sharing with you ten FREE things I do that help to bring me happiness, even in small momentary doses. 

1.  Smile and laugh as often as possible throughout the day

2. 10 minutes of daily exercise

3. Sleep, sleep and more sleep

4. Practicing gratitude daily

5. Giving back to others

6. Spend some quality time with genuine loved ones

7. Meditation

8. Go outside in nature

9. R&R – I call these my home alone dates and you can create your own version, but basically it is special time that I set aside to be alone with myself and totally enjoy my own company. 

10. This one is probably the only ‘action’ other than exercise, and that is reading a good book, working on something you are passionate about or completing a task on an old to do list. I find when I do something that I have been ‘meaning or wanting to do’ for a while and finally get it done, the feeling of accomplishment makes me very happy. 

Now that’s my list – and you can do any of these in 10 minutes or less. Of course, you can stretch them out for an hour if you want as well. Treat yourself it’s well worth it! Just one hour a day and you can knock out 6 of these every day, and imagine how much happier you will be! 

Life will always put tremendous challenges in our path, however it’s these hardships and misfortunes that help us to grow stronger, wiser and also present us with the choice to turn them into an opportunity. 

Happiness allows us to appreciate our circumstances, which in turn lead to growth and enlightenment. 

So forgive yourself for not loving you the way you deserve. Forgive others – especially those that do not ask for forgiveness.  

Keep your mind, body and spirit aligned with your truth. You will find yourself in a peaceful happy place rising from the ashes. Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. So push towards everything you have ever dreamed of. The Phoenix… that’s you!

Additional Episodes

Health and Healing from the Inside Out

 Positively Purposed Podcast, Season 2 
 by  Nina Danilee

Embody Your Intuition… Transforming Your Life Through Movement and Mindfulness

 Positively Purposed Podcast, Season 2 
 by  Nina Danilee

The Great Reset

 Positively Purposed Podcast, Season 2 
 by  Nina Danilee

Real Women, Real Stories, Real Results.